PSP can now play almost all games even games for other consoles. SEGA, GB, SNES, almost everything. And now, an addition to the list: PS1 games. But before you can play them you first need to do some tweaking. Here’s a guide on how:
This is a quick guide to show you how to convert your old PSone games (disc or iso) to play on your PSP. This works on Dark_Alex custom firmware. Before you start, make sure that you have the following requirements:
-PSP w/Dark_AleX custom firmware flashed
-MagicDisc (free, if you have images of your game discs use this to mount them)
-Auto Popstation4 (creates ISO file of game disc.. converts iso to PBP)
1. Download Auto Popstation4
2. Extract it
3. Put your PSOne disc in your pc or mount the image w/your virtual drive application (magicdisc)
4. Go to the folder where we extracted Auto Popstation4. You should see a .bat file and also a folder called CoreData. Be sure there are not any ISOs in this folder, or else Auto Popstation4 will go to the menus for creating the eboot.pbp; if there is no iso it will give you options to capture an iso from your cd/dvd drive
5. Run the Autopopstation4.bat
6. On the menu, choose Option 1 to create an ISO
7. Next, you may get an error (you will the first time since it has not been configured), click OK on it. Then IsoProducer should open up. We need to configure it, use the suggested settings showing the Command Box and then click Make ISO
8. I usually save it to the same folder as the Autopopstation4.bat file and the coredata folder. (the batch file needs the iso to be here, also be sure not to use spaces in the filename)
9. Once the iso is created, rerun the Autopopstation4.bat again, this time we will get a different menu to create make our PSP ready game
10. Type the iso’s file name when asked, it will list all ISO files in the folder where the batch file is again be sure that your iso's file name does not contain spaces.
11. Then choose the compression level, 0 = none, 9 = max; remember that the more compression the longer the load times or possibility it won't even load.
12. Next, it will ask for a name for the game, this will show up on your PSP > Game menu
13. Next, it will ask for part of the game’s name to find the appropriate game code. After you hit enter it should populate a list of game codes; the code is the first number (ie SLUS01251). The command prompt is asking if you want to run again, just choose N
14. Now you will be asked for the game code (again, the one we found from above, ie SLUS01251) and hit Enter
15. Finally, it will ask if you want to make a Manual for the game using the PSPDocument Maker or by using any png file in the CoreData\DocmakerImages (must be named 0000.png to 9999.png).
16. Once you choose how to make the manual, it will confirm your settings, just Y to start and it will start processing away. Once it’s done, you can hit any key and it will open up the results folder w/your newly converted PSone game now ready for your PSP.

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